Happy Birthday, Allison!

Allison Margaret Scott turns 10 today. This is a very big deal, you know, turning double digits.
Ally's the daughter of my best friend Gordon and his lovely wife Babs. Gordon worked for Eileen at Crown Books, when she was manager of store #828, when I met him in August of 1983, when I was visiting Linky at her store. He rang up my purchase of a magazine that day as well. He made me show ID and was surprised that I was younger than he was.
Ally was born on a Tuesday. I was living in Atlanta at the time, but happened to be back in town for my brother's wedding. Tuesday was my day for visiting with Gordon and the very pregnant Babs, and Babs happened to go into labor. So instead of hanging out with them at home or going to a movie or whatever it was that we had planned, I met them at Alexandria Hospital.
And I got to listen to Ally be born, and meet her right away just minutes later. What a treat.
She has perfect attendance at school, unlike her ne'er-do-well father. She also looks less and less like him each day, and more and more like her gorgeous mom.
Photo Credit:
Gordon Scott took this picture.
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